The 0.5% impact on the IBI is an initiative to promote recognition of the importance of the natural environment for municipalities and their inhabitants. A healthy natural environment and a quality landscape are essential elements for a good quality of life in a municipality and that is why we have promoted this initiative which is currently being carried out in Maçanet de la Selva, Santa Coloma de Farners, Riudellots de la Selva, Vilobí de Onyar, Sant Hilari Sacalm, La Cellera de Ter, Sils, Les Planes d'Hostoles and Hostalric. This initiative carries out strategic plans for the conservation of the municipality, environmental education and awareness campaigns, projects for the management and improvement of the natural heritage,…. all of them focused on the municipality having a healthier natural environment with more biodiversity.
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- [FINISHED] 0.5% of the IBI allocated to the natural environment
[FINISHED] 0.5% of the IBI allocated to the natural environment
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Carretera Santa Coloma, km 21.1 17421 Riudarenes, Girona (Espanya)
Tel. 972 16 49 57
info at fundacioemys dot org
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