[FINISHED] Emys Territory

The project is led by the Emys Foundation, and will be developed in collaboration with the Continental Aquatic Ecology Research Group (Greco) of the University of Girona, the entities GOB Menorca, and Acció Ecologista - Agró (Valencia), and with the support of the Biodiversity Foundation, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and the Environment.

The project aims, first of all, to establish a standardized protocol for monitoring the species in order to promote an efficient and safe methodology that can be applied at national level, thus allowing the joint processing of data obtained in different parts of the territory. Secondly, some of the most important population centers of Emys orbicularism in the north-east of the peninsula, in La Selva (Girona), Menorca and L'Albufera (Valencia) will be monitored, which will allow the elaboration of a document that establish recommendations and guidelines for conservation at the national level. Lastly, actions will be carried out to conserve and raise public awareness with the creation of new water points to restore the habitat of the species, seeking the establishment of new safeguards agreements for its protection and with the realization of workshops and activities of sensitization and environmental education.



The collaboration between the three conservation organizations of the Mediterranean arc of the Iberian Peninsula has managed to develop and implement a protocol for monitoring the populations of this protected species of freshwater turtle. With this methodology, a total of 229 turtles from the three different populations (Valencia, Menorca and La Selva) have been captured, analyzed and tagged. The data have made it possible to analyze the population structure and conservation status of the species and its habitat, thus allowing the development of a conservation project for the species that will provide guidelines for dealing with the pressures that threaten its habitat. survival.

On the other hand, the project has also contributed to the improvement of the habitat of the Emys turtle, with the creation of new ponds and the restoration of some spaces where this species is already found on private farms that maintain custody agreements. between the property and the conservation entities. The new ponds will offer a new habitat in strategic places that facilitate the natural colonization of the pond turtle, addressing one of the main causes of the decline of its populations. Action has also been taken in various areas where turtles are found in order to improve their conditions in favor of the species.

The project is over, but the work continues! The protection of this emblematic species from the wetlands of Valencia, Menorca and La Selva will continue to need the collaboration of the organizations that ensure the conservation of nature, as well as the population. For this reason, the project has also sought to disseminate the project and educate the public (especially children and young people) on environmental issues and in particular those that affect the pond turtle and wetlands, which are home to great biodiversity.

The project has been carried out with the support of the Biodiversity Foundation, the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and the Environment.