START: January 2022
FINAL: June 2022
Together, the project aims to improve the wetlands of Malgrat de Mar, at the same time as making its natural values known to the population. It is divided into four secondary milestones to make it easier to achieve: Increasing the number of water points and disseminating their natural value to the population To continue the project to improve the Molí de la Sal pond Dissemination of the natural values of wetlands to schoolchildren Maintain a solid foundation for collaboration to continue the project to improve local wetlands.
BUDGET: € 12,500
FINANCERS: Fundació Iluro i Caixa Bank
COLLABORATORS: Ajuntament de Malgrat de Mar
Throughout the year 2021, the first project of the Emys Foundation was carried out in Malgrat de Mar with the realization of various tasks for the ecological improvement of the Molí de la Sal, within the framework of the call for projects of Environment of Bankia and Iluro Foundation. After the completion of this first work, new needs were generated, noting the urgency of a local effort to recover wetlands in the municipality, as its surface has been significantly reduced in recent decades.
In this context, during the year 2022, work is being carried out on the project entitled Living Ecosystems in Malgrat de Mar, which, with the recovery of water points as the central axis of work, proposes various awareness-raising actions, such as activities with schools and installation of informative billboards, conservation and management of natural spaces, through the creation of ponds or the planting of vegetation, and the generation of knowledge, from various day and night monitoring of herpetofauna of the municipality.
Action 1. Increase the number of water points and disseminate their natural value to the population
Action 1.1 Creation of habitats for amphibians in the coastal area.
Action 1.2 Monitoring of amphibians and reptiles.
Action 1.3 Creation of two posters with the natural values of the pond.
Action 2. To continue the project to improve the Molí de la Sal pond Action
2.1 Vegetation planting.
Action 3. Dissemination of the natural values of wetlands to schoolchildren
Action 3.1 Design of activities with the schools.
Action 3.2 Execution of activities with students.
Action 3.3 Use social media to publicize the project.
Action 4. Maintain a solid foundation of collaboration to give continuity to the project
Action 4.1 Coordinate the three collaborating entities.
- Creation of a pond in the coastal area.
- Plantation of native vegetation such as mastic (Pistacia lentiscus), ruda (Ruta sp.), Thyme (Thymus vulgaris), rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus) or cat (Ulex parviflorus).
- Carrying out activities with schoolchildren to make the local fauna and flora known.
- Design and installation of billboards on the coastal sands of Malgrat de Mar, its fauna and problems.
- Monitoring of amphibians and reptiles in the municipality through day and night sampling.
With the support and collaboration of: