[FINISHED] National labor camp

START: July 3, 2021

FINAL: July 14, 2021


  1. Get to know the organizations that work for nature conservation, the actors involved, and examples of how they work.
  2. Carry out nature management and conservation actions applied to different wetland areas with the group of young people.
  3. Transmit values ​​of cooperation and respect for the environment and its inhabitants
  4. Promote "positive biology" and collective work on a problem
  5. Recover areas of natural interest in the municipality of Sta. Coloma de Farners
  6. Promote spaces to become disseminators
  7. Facilitate a positive experience of a model of rural and sustainable life in relation to progress


BADGET: 9.360€


The national work camp is aimed at young people between 14 and 17 years old from different parts of the territory and is held for 14 days in the municipality of Santa Coloma de Farners. We think globally, we act locally: Improving the biodiversity of wetlands is one of the most affected ecosystems, it is the name of the last field of work focused on recovering the biodiversity of these habitats.

Wetlands are one of the most important habitats, protected at various levels both locally and internationally. That is why through improvement actions such as the removal of fallen trees and plant debris, pruning of low branches, removal of non-native plant species (corn, American cane, etc.), replanting of native plant species and the removal of waste, allows us to achieve the objectives set initially and achieve a reserve of fauna and flora.

In addition to the technical work done in the work camp during the morning, young people enjoy a leisure space in the afternoon where they can have a space to interact, establish links and get to know the local culture.


  1. Carrying out technical work in the Santa Coloma stream, the Castanyet stream and the Frares stream; removal of trunks in the riverbed to prevent blockages, extraction of invasive species such as American cane, corn, bamboo cane, acacia borda ..., replanting with native plant species and removal of rubbish.
  2. Leisure activities such as discoveries around the castle of Farners and the city of Santa Coloma de Farners, a visit to the Can Moragues estate or excursions by bicycle. Participation in gender dynamics, sexual orientation and new technologies or visits to cultural entities such as La Sobirana, Les Ortigues.