[FINISHED] Summer camp

START: June 2021

FINAL: September 2021


  1. Know and respect the natural environment around us with curiosity and interest
  2. Promote the children's interest according to their interests within the animation axis of the course
  3. Educate in values
  4. Learn significantly in a playful and educational environment
  5. Acquire habits of autonomy in both individual and group daily activities
  6. Encourage respect to strengthen group cohesion



The environmental summer house of the Emys Foundation takes place during the months of June, July, August and September in the municipalities of Sils (Jacint Verdaguer School), Riudarenes (Can Moragues) and Les Planes d'Hostoles (St. Cristòfol School ). Linked to direct contact with nature and experiential learning, the environmental summer camp allows children to develop a series of unique and complete values ​​and characteristics regarding the nature around us.

The development schedule was different for each of the municipalities, being mainly the schedule from 9 to 15 hours. For children between 3 and 12 years old.

The activities carried out in the environmental center are completely linked to direct learning with nature and what surrounds us. This year, the theme of the summer house allowed us to enter the magical world of fantastic animals that we have in the region of La Selva, in the case of Sils and Riudarenes.

Each week we discovered which animal was endangered in our territory and protected it by creating magical animals to deal with all the threats to which they are exposed. In the case of Les Planes d’Hostoles, we focused on the Guinness World Record, making the jury (children and monitors) each week choose the fastest, most colorful, slow-moving animal, etc.



- 131 registrations from different children, aged between 3 and 12, from 28 June to 10 September

- Of these 113 were from the municipality of Sils and only 5 were not registered in the municipality. The rest were from Riudarenes (6), Sta. Coloma de Farners (2), St. Hilari Sacalm (3), Barcelona (2), Lloret de Mar (1), Granollers (1), Vidreres (1), Girona (1) and Sant Julià de Vilatorta (1).


- 96 registrations from different children, aged between 3 and 12 from June 28 to September 10

- Of these 26 were from the municipality of Riudarenes. The rest were from Sta. Coloma de Farners (37), Sils (13), Vidreres (4), Osor (5), La Cellera de Ter (2), Maçanet de la Selva (1), Girona (2), Caldes de Malavella (2), Barcelona (2), Arenys de Mar (2)

Les Planes d’Hostoles

- 68 registrations from different children, aged between 3 and 12 from June 28 to September 10

- Of these 59 were from Les Planes d'Hostoles. The rest were from Girona (2), Cerdanyola del Vallès (2), Amer (1), Tortellà (1), Sort (1), Amer (1) and Sant Celoni (1).