[FINISHED] Unique territories


  • Generalitat de Catalunya
  • Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Família


  • Ministeri d'Ocupació i Seguretat Social
  • Servei Públic d'Ocupació Estatal


From Fundació Emys we collaborate with the development of the project that from Idària, Ecosol, Fundació Astres and four other environmental entities (GEPEC, Submon, GNF and La Sínia) we are carrying out this year.

The project is called Singular Territories and is part of the unique projects of the cooperative athenaeum.

The project is considered in two main areas:


1. Green economy in the integral management of estates

2. Nature tourism

In the first months of the project, these two areas have been worked on separately but in the same spaces and territories in order to train people and structure services. Next, the resources of all the participating entities have been unified to achieve the objectives set out in the project, which are:

  • Creation of 16 jobs
  • 100 Informed individuals and / or legal entities
  • 40 People trained in green economy, ecotourism and cooperativism
  • Creation of 2 new cooperatives
  • 4 Reactivated and energized inactive farms
  • 5 Entities and / or companies participating in the project
  • 1 List of services in space management and revitalization
  • 1 joint marketing and communication plan