From the Sea to the Peaks


START: September 2023

FINAL: June 2025


  1. Encourage active and experiential learning in the environment.
  2. Contribute to the development of the student’s personal autonomy: situation and orientation in space from the body and through other reference points in the environment and codes of representation.
  3. Discover and identify the main natural elements of the forest by analyzing their most relevant characteristics and relationships.
  4. Relate to the environment through the senses identifying smells, textures, sounds and tastes.

BADGET: Undetermined. It depends on the number of activities we do.


"Del mar als cims" is an environmental education program promoted by the Diputació de Girona that offers nature education activities and knowledge of the natural spaces of the Girona counties for half a day or a full day.

The offer of activities includes different workshops, all of them related to the discovery of the natural environment and experiential learning. They are offered to all those educational centers that want to enjoy guided activities related to nature and can offer the possibility of carrying them out in the educational center or on the Can Moragues estate.

These activities last between 2 and 4 hours and are designed for primary, secondary, high school and vocational students.

For more information you can consult our catalog of activities below:

Here you can consult our catalog


  1. At the end of the project.