School of Naturalists



START: September 2021

FINAL: June 2022


  1. Personal connection with nature
  2. Own, deep and complete knowledge
  3. Conscious action for its conservation

BUDGET: It depends on the registrations and own funds


During the year we carry out different activities related to environmental education (summer camps, work camps, activities for schools…). However, as a result of an environmental education project, we have started the extracurricular of the School of Naturalists (EdN) for Children and Adults.

The main idea is to bring both children and adults closer to nature, through the following objectives:

  1. Personal connection with nature
  2. The deep, own and complex knowledge of this
  3. Action with responsible and appropriate decision-making to help reduce the impact of human beings on the environment.

The School of Naturalists is designed for all those children and adults who love nature and / or want to learn more about everything around them. It is a totally practical activity, designed to be done outdoors (in the woods, in the countryside, in the river,…), regardless of the time of year, in order to learn to observe, listen, differentiate. … Seasons, plants, animals… ..,…). We do all this through different methodologies: experimentation, play, observation, the study of natural processes, creativity, among others.

We present two Schools of Naturalists, the EdN for Children and the EdN for Adults.The School of Naturalists for children can participate from 1st to 6th grade, with a maximum of 15 participants per group and two environmental educators. For each group, there are 3 scholarship places for those families who are interested but need support. The duration of the EdN is two hours per week.

The School of Naturalists for Adults is open to both young people and adults from the age of 16 and up to the age of 30. Sessions are held once a month for 3 hours in the morning.

The organization is in charge of all the necessary equipment (salamanders, binoculars, butterfly hunters, field guides, microscopes, etc.).

We are currently carrying it out at the Foundation’s headquarters in Can Moragues.


  1. Implement the School of Naturalists for Children as an extracurricular in their own municipalities
  2. Disseminate and communicate the work we do to reach more children, young people and adults.


RESULTS:  At the end of the project.