Promotion of social and environmental sustainability in agro-ecological productions through the incorporation of information technologies and the promotion of the incorporation of the agricultural producer in the traceability, elaboration and commercialization of the product
START: 2021
FINAL: 2023
This global project aims to improve the environmental, economic and social sustainability of food production systems, along the entire value chain, in the counties. Gironines. More specifically it is expected:
- To train, advise and intercommunicate the primary sector in the implementation of innovative methodologies and tools for an economically sustainable agriculture, environmental and social.
- Promote the participation of the primary producer in the transformation of the product and the generation of own brand in the market of sustainable products with high added value under a joint brand.
- Consolidate local product positioning strategies in commercial and public establishments in the territory under criteria of maximum social and environmental benefit.
This is a project of specialization and territorial competitiveness (PECT) framed in the RIS3CAT and the Operational Program FEDER of Catalonia 2014-2020. It is funded by the European Union through the Regional Development Funds, the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Diputació de Girona and the Emys Foundation participates as leaders together with the Ajuntament de Riudellots,, IRTA, Consell Comarcal del Baix Empordà, Ripollès Development Agency, the Regulatory Council of the DO Empordà, Farmers' Union, Drissa Foundation, Mas Xirgu Foundation, Eurecat and the University of Girona.
Increasing the traceability and control of the agro-ecological producer on different points of the food chain is the main element to improve its environmental, social and economic sustainability, while optimizing its efficiency and quality of working life. We believe that creating comprehensive support that works on advice and empowerment in the implementation of specific technologies facilitates sustainability, job setting, and long-term environmental, economic, and social sustainability. By strengthening networking and sharing innovative resources and knowledge, we will promote the introduction of innovative technologies and methodologies in a sector with little penetration.
- Advice on the implementation of new methodologies and knowledge on sustainability in the primary sector, promoting local varieties and direct sales as main systems, and the use of technology to improve the quality of life.
- Creation of a resource bank for the conservation of local varieties in the territory and a small laboratory for basic field analyzes and monitoring the incorporation of NNTT (identification of pests, diseases, nutritional deficiencies) to improve knowledge of the producer on the problems of its production.
- La Selva collaborative agro-ecological workshop: The La Selva agro-ecological workshop aims to be a springboard so that primary producers can easily and affordably access the processing of the agricultural product to reach the consumer more directly.
With the support and collaboration of: