Public use


We work on the analysis and management of public use of Natural Spaces. These places where people interact with nature are an opportunity to make the public and visitors aware of their natural values ​​and why they need to be preserved. In addition, in this new paradigm of the information society, Fundación Emys is working to minimize the overcrowding of some spaces that are under pressure that may affect their long-term conservation.

Citizen participation photo

Citizen participation


Citizen participation is key to all communication projects, as community complicity is essential to carry out nature conservation projects and to turn the people involved into collaborators and prescribers of the projects. Finding the balance between nature and the use we humans make of it means understanding what people in the immediate environment need from natural spaces and at the same time from spaces of complicity in order to socialize the necessary measures to be able to conserve nature. 

Public use management plans


The management plan for the public use of a natural space regulates the activities that take place there. It is based on prior knowledge of natural space and an analysis of its current state. From here, it is defined what infrastructures, materials and strategies are needed to order the attendance and safety of people, order the uses of the space, welcome visitors, explain the natural and cultural heritage values ​​or signal the itineraries, others. The creation of a plan of uses contemplates the citizen participation, key for the consensus of the actions.

Public use management plans
Interpretation of natural spaces photo

Interpretation of natural spaces


The signage and interpretation of natural spaces allows the visitor to know their natural values ​​and understand which species live there. Through various tools from Fundació Emys we promote knowledge of the environment in order to make the visitor aware of the good practices to be carried out in a visit to a natural space to reconcile its public use and the conservation of the species of fauna and flora that are part of it.

Overcrowding analysis and management


The biodiversity that inhabits natural spaces is currently under threat, as some of these areas suffer from overcrowding and receive a lot of pressure. This overcrowding has a significant impact on the environment but also on the social level. For this reason, the Emys Foundation is working on the analysis and planning of these spaces to determine what actions can help reduce these pressures and alleviate overcrowding.

Overcrowding analysis and management photo