Sustainable management


Sustainable management is a way of managing natural resources, be they forests, farms or other natural spaces, to ensure that, over time, their biodiversity, productivity and regenerative capacity are maintained. It is about working and planning so that the pace of exploitation, the techniques and the products used do not damage the soil, water or harm the ecosystem. In addition, it is not just a matter of achieving sustainability at the social level, but also of seeking the social welfare and economic prosperity of the actors involved in all stages of production.

This area of ​​work arises from the same desire to conserve the habitat of Emys orbicularis. In the plain of La Selva, intensive agricultural and forestry practices have a direct impact on the health of forests and water quality. In order to preserve the ecosystems inhabited by the pond turtle and so many other species, it is necessary for agricultural producers and forest owners to go hand in hand with environmental conservation and move forward together.

Thanks to the stewardship agreements, the Emys Foundation has been able to advise and support forest owners who want to do sustainable management and a dozen food producers who want to get started in organic farming, improve techniques or increase the natural value of an estate.

Agricultural management


The Emys Foundation has a dozen custody agreements with organic farmers and ranchers in the area. Our main goal is to implement organic and high value-added agriculture and livestock (AVN) with them. AVN is agriculture and livestock capable of sustaining high levels of biodiversity, which promotes conservation, but at the same time is a technique that promotes productivity and the control of pests and diseases.

The organization has been working for years on a program to promote agricultural stewardship. Agricultural land occupies a large part of our country and a sustainable management of agricultural areas, which makes food production compatible with the conservation of biodiversity, means a substantial improvement in the conservation of nature in our country.

Sustainable management of agricultural areas

Advising and accompanying in forest management

Forest management


In Catalonia, most of the surface is forests which, applying a more comprehensive management, can be turned into complex habitats, capable of housing biodiversity and offering many ecosystem services.

From Fundació Emys we work on advising and accompanying owners who want to promote the management of the property, from a vision that integrates environmental and economic sustainability, on the one hand, with the vision of the property, on the other .