Planes d’Hostoles Natural Environment


START: March 2018

FINAL: Undetermined


  1. Implement a comprehensive management of the natural spaces of Les Planes d’Hostoles to guarantee the environmental quality as well as the well-being of its citizens.
    1. Regulate access to and use of the natural environment to reduce the impact on biodiversity and improve the quality of life of affected residents.
    2. Implement environmental information and awareness systems to encourage a respectful attitude towards the natural environment.
    3. Analyze the situation of biodiversity in the different points of natural interest and carry out improvement actions.
    4. Consolidate sustainable development strategies in the municipality







Les Planes d’Hostoles is a municipality located in the south east of La Garrtoxa, in the Ter river basin and specifically in the Brugent sub-basin. The municipality has two Protected Natural Areas that give it a special appeal in terms of its environmental interest.

On the one hand we have the Collsacabra, a Natural Park mainly forest and low mountain, located on the southwestern slope of the municipality and which contains some environmental interest especially in relation to forest areas and open spaces already in decline.

On the other hand, we have the Brugent Protected Natural Area, a river of constant flow, due to the rainfall of the area, which at the same time has a very rugged orography, mainly due to its geomorphology, as part of the volcanic system. de la Garrotxa. This river flows around the town center and is a special tourist attraction due to the spectacular waterfalls that are generated due to the course of the water due to these unevenness.

The study of the biodiversity detected in the municipality is very relevant and, therefore, we are faced with a remarkable space in terms of its biological richness. This poses a challenge and a responsibility to maintain it, despite the scarcity of tools and the vague competencies of the river especially. The main problem detected is the massive influx of visitors in the summer which, mobilized by the spectacular nature of these spaces on the one hand, but by the lack of effective regulation on the other, generate significant impacts on both biodiversity. as to the inhabitants of the municipality.

The challenge of this project is to work on a sustainable model at the environmental, social and economic level that allows the conservation of these areas of High Natural Value, balancing it with the quality of life of the inhabitants of the municipality and promoting awareness of citizenship in relation to the values ​​of these river spaces.



  1. Study of the Natural Environment of Les Planes d’Hostoles.
  2. Partial elimination of the false acacia (Robinia pseudocacia) from the Gorg de Can Poeti (2018).
  3. Regulation of uses and access to the natural environment with a maximum load capacity for the Brugent ENP system of 200 people per day and with environmental informants at the main points where visitors access it.
  4. Improving the control and automation of access infrastructures to the Cogolls neighborhood through the installation of automated barriers and identification stickers (2020)
  5. Environmental restoration and public use of the Ponts Petits area for the removal of American cane (arundo donax) and the recovery of the riparian forest. (Expected Oct. 2020)